Thursday, July 26, 2012

something old and something pretty

Ooh I have something wonderful to share this week. I stumbled on this odd looking box and originally thought it was some hand made indonesian or asian craft. But it wasn't until I let go of that idea that I found it was actually made in North America.

Now I didn't say it was pretty, but it is very unique and an interesting piece of history. This is what is known as Tramp Art in the form of a trinket box. 

Now there is some debate as to the origins of tramp art, some believe it is so named because it was actually made by tramps looking to make a quick buck on the road. Others (and I would tend to go with this explanation) believe the name comes from the German word Trampen. In medievil times those wanting to learn the craft of carving would have to move in order to do an apprenticeship. Whatever the origins, we do know that they are made mostly from old cigar boxes as they were plentiful at the time and mostly free. The earliest versions date back to the 1850's.
They are truly intriguing and owning one will spark many an interesting conversation I'm sure.

Now for some Pretty. This is a Nippon Moriage pinched spout pitcher, delicately hand painted and decorated with brick pattern amd beucolic country scenes. Along the sides of the handle are intricate scrolls and curls which continue in contrasting black down the centre of the handle. Sadly it has some minor damage in the form of paint? or something dotted over one side.  Hopefully, with a bit of luck,  I can find a way to remove it before I take it to market.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Research research research ......

 Today is one of those sleepy overcast days, the kind I like to reserve for doing research and inventory while drinking copious amounts of coffee.  First on the list is this gorgeous late Victorian/ early Edwardian frame.

Adorned on four sides with rosettes and posies, the edges were at one time gilt in silver. The image is not so important as it's only a page from a magazine but it does date the frame to 1905 or so. The glass has a destinct curvature along with all those wonderful imperfections that old glass manifests over the years. I've yet to establish value for this one, but as a beautiful reminder of our elegant past it's priceless.

My next item was the easiest to identify thanks to the loads of makers marks and registration numbers imprinted in its underside.

HA EA FA the initials of the Atkin Bros (Sheffield) silver smiths circa 1900 or so. I believe it's silver plate but there is no epns mark anywhere. If you don't yet recognize it, this lovey object is a knife rest. Though I am not a formal diner by any stretch of the imagination I do appreciate these little conveniences as I've ruined one too many tablecloths with butter or spaghetti sauce soaked knives.
I love the soft curves of this one and I'll leave it tarnished because I like that sort of thing.

Moving right along here is a simple but eyecatching Early American Pattern Glass or  EAPG kerosene lamp with glossy smooth curves and ribbed sides. The burner is a tad rusty and there are still remnants of kerosene in it. This would make a lovely addition to a cottage or a great design element for an office space. 

Last up, industrial chique. This is a swiss made enameled scale made in the 30's?? Can't seem to find anything but ebay adds for this one so the search continues. 

All are now available in my shop, stall 69 Vancouver Flea Market 
Saturdays and Sundays 9 am - 5 pm

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tiny Dancer

Oh my goodness! I am so charmed by this lovely laquered box. I saw it sitting in a display case and knew the moment I laid eyes on it it was something special. I love the angled three paneled mirror, the quirky hand painted dutch scene on the lid and the tacky but glittering gold lining.  When I opened the lid and saw the dancer lying there I thought at first it was broken. Then I placed her on the mirrored circle and watched her spin and dance to the music and I giggled out loud. This is a treasure that is sure to bring a smile to the face of any one who opens it.