Friday, March 8, 2013

Linens and Lace

Okay I'm not sure what's happening to me but I seem to have suddenly developed a yen for crisp white linen, doilies and sewing supplies. Who Knew? Is this what happens after you hit 50+? Lol, I'm just joking, really I've just been finding a lot of vintage sewing things and that somehow led me to linen and doilies. I'm learning a lot as I go, like the difference between bobbin lace and crocheted lace, hand and machine embroidery etc, etc. 
It's a large learning curve but I'm enjoying the journey. These are some recent finds, 


  1. You always have the most beautiful finds. You have such an artist's eye.

  2. I'm so excited to see you over at my place soon. Miss you.

  3. Just love seeing the old sewing things. I know there are some hiding here in my place. Enjoyed your post with Relyn.
